Wednesday 30 September 2009

Ideas For Music Video & Planning!

Ideas for the music Video & Planning!

• When deciding over the music video we initially decided that we weren’t going to have a story line going on in the video but we were going to have mixed views from individual personalities within the video that relates to the theme and genre of the music.

• Other ideas for the video included the chorographer, designing the dance routines to involve either one dancer or several dancers, break dancing on the floor while getting fluorescent paint either thrown on then or having their hands and feet all ready painting so that in the dark room you could see where the dancers are by the paint glowing in the dark. We could also adjust and manipulate this idea by having the movement of the wave lengths to the beat of the rhythm. This will give a visual aspect of our song vibes through the moves of the dancers.

• We were also thinking of having animated writing in the video where there are repeated lyrics. The writing will be bright and bold and will move to the beat on the song. This will also link in with the retro theme of a kaleidoscope of colour images displayed on the screen to make an impact on the viewer.

• Our video will be more abstract to the viewer and could be critical review and analysis by the target audience of this gender. This also means we have chosen not to have a narrator to tell the story within the video.

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