Sunday 29 November 2009

DVD magazine advert

This advert looks very similar to our dvd cover, we did this because we wanted to recognise our dvd as soon as they saw it on the shelf . I also think this is a very stiriking image, so would stand out on the page of a magazine. We included the date the album is out, which well known songs will be on it and also the website they can visit to get more information.

3 Responses to “DVD magazine advert”

Really cool effects on the main girl, she looks kinda painted and so it works with the multi coloured surreal background. The title is also really effective, the surreal colours match the video.
The font for the extra information could be more interesting.

Fits in well with the video.

This is a suitable advert for the product you've created as there's a conscious effort to promote Charlotte as the star. The pose and the effects make her stand out despite the bold colours used on the cover.

The only weakness is the back of the DVD box as it gives little information as to what digi-extras might be included.

In terms of the colour scheme, it's bold, garish and suits the retro feel that's suitable for the music and artist.

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