Friday 20 November 2009

For our own digipak.

We now need to think about making our own digipak for the album of the song we have just made a video for. We need to think about what we could include in this digipak and what it will look like.
As Charlotte is playing our main singer and therefore the would be the most recognisable person to our audience, it would make sense for her to be on the cover of our album. This would not only be publicity for the artist, but would help promote the album as we could use similar images on posters and postcards. The images we would most likely use from our music video are those where charlotte is infront of the graffiti wall, as this could help to develop a brand logo or 'tag', in graffiti terms.
In terms of being in the music industry, we would have a named artist supporting us to help us promote our album. For example, in the rap industry eminem took on 50 cent and helped him to become a famous rapper by promoting him in various ways. For example, his own project in one of his videos.
As our song contains repeated swear words, we would need to have a parental advisory sticker on the album cover, so parents are aware that some of the lyrics are not suitable for children. We would also need a barcode and price somewhere clear on the album cover for practical reasons.

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